Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Republican "offense" is offensive

The Senate's second-ranking Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said:
"The McGovern wing of the Democrat party seems to have forgotten that we've been on offense for the last five years and that's why we haven't been attacked here at home."
As a proud member of the McGovern wing (I worked with George McGovern's son-in-law on our college newspaper, before McGovern ran for president), I must disagree. We haven't forgotten anything.

What McConnell seems to have forgotten is that we have had almost as many Americans killed in Iraq as died from 9/11. We might equal it by election day. And let's not even think about the many thousands more horribly wounded, maimed for life.

We're not on offense, Sen. McConnell. Americans are still on defense. We're being attacked every day. The only thing George Bush the Stupid and his Republican cronies did was to move the playing field to Baghdad. That's where American troops, hunkered down there in the "Green Zone," venture out in an increasingly futile effort to keep the growing Iraqi civil war from spoiling the Republicans' chances in November.

But most of the US forces there are the sons and daughters of the working class, not the children of senators, or even of retired computer programmer/attorneys like me. So the Republicans don't care, because they are the party of the rich--and the narrow-minded social conservatives whom they distract with wedge issues like same-sex marriage. Our sons and daughters are safe in their college dorms. And we're safe (cross your fingers) in our office towers. But that's not being on offense.

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