Wednesday, June 02, 2010

From Overheard in New York

Conductor: Tickets, please. Oh, wow, is that a parrot?
Lady with parrot on her shoulder: Yes, it is. I take him out every mother's day to see my parents. He's on a leash, though, and won't make any noise.
Conductor: Okay, no problem. There's actually a cat in the next car and a dog in the one after that.
Parrot lady's kid: A cat in the next car?! Cats eat birds. One animal per car!
Conductor, deadpan: I've got bad news for you, kid--there's more animals on this car than just that parrot.
Casual observer, not looking up from his paper: Truer words have never been spoken.

--Metro North

via Overheard in New York, Jun 1, 2010

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