Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Shootout at Ga. Wal-Mart Injures Suspect

I've said it before: Wal-Mart is a dangerous place. Avoid it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't ever buy electric supplies (wiring, boxes, etc.) at WallMart. They don't carry the parts to do a good safe job. If you ever decide to take a chance, for goodness sake never, ever ask the help for advice, or accept it if offerred.

A friend and I stopped into a Wallmart to buy cable and stuff to wire his barn. When I asked for the proper parts, the clerk offered an collection of unsafe and inappropriate substitutes. The suggestions, if taken, would have put my friend's life and property at risk.

We left for the local hardware store. My friend's barn is still standing, and nobody got fried.