We're up here in the Berkshires at the "Quality Inn." I suppose that's an accurate description--it doesn't say what level quality. Things got off to a rocky start when I noticed the door to our room didn't lock, at least from the outside. The next morning the motel owner (whose English leaves something to be desired) went out and got a maintenance man--telephoning him hadn't worked. I could see why--the maintenance man's English was far worse. I couldn't understand him at all. But he did fix the door lock problem, by wedging up the
other door jamb, the one with the hinges! Somehow, that worked, allowing the lock to engage.
Occasionally the motel wi-fi works. This is the first time it's been up long enough to do more that check our e-mail.

At least the view from our room's nice little porch is good.
We did hear a very nice concert Saturday at the Berkshire Choral Festival, conducted by New York's own Kent Tritle: Handel's Solomon. Yesterday we went into Great Barrington and saw Mamma Mia! during a rainstorm. It was quite cute and silly. The movie, not the storm. That was severe enough to knock down tree limbs and cut the electricity in places.