Saturday, December 09, 2006

I can't win

Just when I managed to free up a full day tomorrow, so I can really attack my to-do list, I have to go to a funeral.

Plat du jour

Who bought us?

Friday, December 08, 2006

Question of the day (or even longer)

Why can't I ever get to the end of my to-do list?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Plat du jour

Very patriotic!

Clayelle in the flesh

I get a lot of people reaching this blog doing searches for Clayelle Dalferes, the sultry-voiced announcer on WQXR, NYC's classical radio station. Some are searching for photos of her. But there aren't any on the internet, save for the baby picture she uses on her bio page on the WQXR site. As I said previously, she is a mystery woman, at least visually.

Well now apparently there is a way to see what Clayelle looks like. She and some of the other WQXR announcers are going to be reading Dickens' A Christmas Carol at the Strand Bookstore on December 16.

I suggest getting there early if you want to get a seat.