● My bank wants me to put "Retired" for employer on forms I submit, not "None." I guess that makes a difference.
● I did a reply all to an e-mail I received, and got back an "Automatic Response" saying
Hello, I am away until February 28, 2007 and am unable to read your message.
● I hate it when people cc me on their replies to e-mails from others, without copying the original message. I'm left guessing what the original message said.
● The Indians actually climbed out of last place for 2 or 3 days, but they're back in the cellar now. The Central Division is so even they're only a game and a half out of third place, and 6.5 out of first.
● I generally stay away from all those silly Facebook quizzes, but sometimes I can't resist. I succumbed to the "Do You Make A Better Man or Woman?" quiz and got the result: You Are 48% Male, 52% Female. They got that one right.