My wife's new laptop (excuse me, notebook) computer arrived today. It has no parallel, serial or mouse ports. Everything is USB today--except our old peripherals. We already ordered a replacement for her old HP Laserjet 4L, which sounds like it's going to spit out pieces with every page it prints. And I happen to have a cordless USB mouse I've never gotten around installing on my computer, so I can use that.
The computer also has no floppy drive. My wife likes to immediately back up all her documents on floppies, so I ordered a USB floppy drive also. That will fill all three USB ports, so if we get anything else I'll have to get a USB hub.
It is kind of amazing about the serial port, though. I remember my first real computer back in 1982 (not counting the VIC-20 toy), the original Compaq. It didn't have a serial port either. It was portable, though--if you consider a 30 lb. suitcase portable.